Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I'm not even half way yet. I feel the way marathoners must feel on their 12th mile -- save for all the sweat, training, hard work + physical demands.It was warm out today! It got up over 40 and it was sunny, there was snow melting, snow melting sounds, and thawing smells {which are not all nice, but are all exciting}, hooray!

blouse: Gentle Fawn, shorts: Charlotte Russe, cardigan, leggings & boots: Target, earrings: gift {from mother-in-law}, nail polish: Sally Hanson Salon Series ~ Pat on the Black, headband: live savvy
photos by Peanut.


  1. I really love the fun color of those leggings! Keep it up-30 days will be done before we know it!

    owenandchelsey.blogspot.com (fellow 30x30 remixer)

  2. Isn't this spring-like weather wonderful?!? I've been so happy these past few days. Hey, are your tights orange? Your outfit looks positively spring-y. :)

  3. Fun color mix! I've been enjoying color tights with my grey shorts too.
    I have a link up on Wednesdays for anyone who wears jewelry with an outfit, you could link this post to yesterdays or next weeks! :)

  4. I just love your outfit! It's so fun and reminds me of spring!!

    Also, thank for leaving sweet comments on my blog and I am proud to be your new follower!!


  5. Your playful dress up blog is adorably playful. I love it.

  6. @hurricankerrie ~ thank you! i am lovin' the weather -- we're only a few hours apart, no?

    @jewelscapes ~ I'm GONNA! Thanks for the invite :)

    @H Rija ~ thanks, likewise :) lovin' your color palettes!!

  7. You look lovely! SO... you should check out my blog today. There's a small little announcement that happens to have your name in it. ; )

  8. Sassy lady! Love the headband and your overall use of color.
