Thursday, February 10, 2011


This is one of my favorite dresses. It was given to me as a birthday gift from my bestie a couple of years ago. It's very lightweight, so it's great for the summer. But I like to rock it in the winter too.

I saved this dress for this particular day in the 30-for-30 because the very friend who gave it to me is coming to visit! I'm so excited!! We're seeing the And Then There Were None {the show that I have been designing & executing '40's 'dos for} and we'll be seeing P's show, Frost/Nixon, with the lovely, amazing JennieB & her main squeeze.

When I first chose this, I had P tell me what color tights I should wear. He said, "red comes to mind". I concurred. Then I grabbed this peachy scarf. He said, "You're such a daredevil." To which I replied, "I'm not jumping out of an airplane." Color swatches must terrify some people.

dress: Anthropologie (gift), cardigan, tights & boots: Target, scarf: gift, earrings: vintage (gift)

photos by Peanut.


  1. Haha "Color swatches must terrify some people." I agreee. You must be right! Otherwise, I wouldn't stared at every time I wear turquoise tights. :) The peach and the red combo surprisingly works!

  2. thanks! i thought so too! i was surprised that it worked and think I will try peach & cinnamon again soon (let me know if you decide to play around with it?).
